Research MGS

MIDTERM REVIEW WORKSHOP ASSIGNMENT of the Computational Desing Module for the Master Program FCU Feng Chia University Explorers Lab

Detailed modeling of supports (Points 1-2) and stability tests using physical simulation (Point 3)

Solutions based on results by means of Rigid Body and Soft Body algorithms and parametric Degrees of Freedom (DOFs)

1 Modeling Instructions.

1.1 Assign 3D Model from the Catalogue

A model is assigned to each and everyone of the designers. Each model consists of a volume and one or more contact surfaces for the upper part of the supports, represented with a red colored material. Beneath each volume, a rectangle appears representing the contact area available to place the bottom of the support structure. Connecting this rectangular area with the indicated red surfaces of each volume, a free-form structure project proposed by each designer must be generated. This base rectangular area must not be exceeded.

1.2 Modeling / Automation of the Prototype

In order to connect ground and red surfaces of the original model (volume assigned) with a proposed structure created, it is allowed to model directly (Rhinoceros) or to automate a code through visual programming (Grasshopper). Special effort should be made to design the details of the structural encounters.

1.3 Specify the steps followed in modelling the proposal

The steps followed in the prototype design must be specified and listed, as well as limitations and problems encountered. It must be specified on a Notes label (side panel).

Original Models Catalogue

Initial volumes to be chosen, base areas and contact surfaces

Initial volumes to be chosen, contact surfaces from below (oxa view)

Final Models Catalogue example

FInal File with all the models: one single model per Designer

1.4 Evaluation Criteria

The skills of the final model to qualify will be the following (all of them will be scored from 1 to 10):

1- STABILITY: formal balance of the entire model, taking into account the initial volume and the overall height of the structure.

2- CREATIVITY: designer's ability to propose or develop novel solutions in the structure project

3- DETAILS AND MATERIALS: three-dimensional modeling ability for construction detail's creation and material transitions

4- COMPLEXITY OF TOOLS APPLIED : number of commands used during the process of makng the proposed model and level of difficulty

5- ELEGANCE: simplicity, clearness and purity of the final concept

6- OPTIMIZATION: whether or not it matches the structural needs in an efficient way

7- AUTOMATIZATION: use of automatic procedures / processes

8- POLYVALENCE: does it answer another project requirements such as permeability, coverage, communication, light, free space...?

9- COHERENCE: matching between morphology and global assembly of elements used

10- FEASIBILITY: Is it doable? Does the parts of the model make sense in an assembly process?

axo view initial state

MODEL 0 - axo - initial state. Base to place supports = grey rectangle area

axo view final state

MODEL 0 - axo - final state with the designer's proposal

oxa view initial state

MODEL 0 - oxa - initial state: Surfaces to be connected in red

oxa view final state

MODEL 0 - axo - final state with the designer's proposal

2 Assignment Format.

2.0 Designers must choose a single model from the Trello card called "Models Catalog" (, and as they choose they must create a new card in Trello and name it "ASSIGNED MODEL NUMBER - STUDENT NAME". Repeated catalog models are NOT ALLOWED, the allocation is made in order of selection.

2.1 The designer must place the created model in the axo camera, zoom in on the model (select all previously) and save the camera in named views. Match Properties (especially material) to match created project material to original volume (same appearance). Repeat the same for the oxa camera.

2.2 Load Display Mode called TECH.ini, link in Trello ( ) To load it, type Options on the Rhino command line, go to Display Modes and import display style. Set the TECH style before saving the picture.

2.2 Capture two images (axo and oxa points of view, upwards and downwards, with proper zooms to the assigned model) using the VewCaptureToFile command at a resolution of 1280x1280 pixels and jpg format. Name Rhino file and images as: "MODEL NUMBER - NAME OF CAMERA - NAME OF THE STUDENT". 3dm / .jpg

2.3 Upload the image (.jpg file) and the model (.3dm file) in Trello by creating a new card at:

axo view

Image1 1280x1280 pixels / MODEL 8 - axo -NAME.jpg

oxa view

Image2 1280x1280 pixels / MODEL 8 - oxa -NAME.jpg

3 Simulation and next steps.

Furthermore, a physics simulation will be made, later on this course, to test the result in order to modify the model in a data-driven methodology. Loads (according to the original volume assigned), materials, Pseudomaterial behaviour, Forces, Goals, Degrees of Freedom (DOFs) and Solver will be set to rank all the results and take design decisions according to it.

global axo view - 0 to 14 models

global oxa view - 0 to 14 models